When lockdown started in India in March-2020, working from home was bit difficult to adjust with in initial stages. Spending all weekends at home was a new normal. However, it gave me opportunity to learn and build something fun with my friends. Three of us started to discuss the idea of connecting small electronics device with sensor to cloud and explore the capability of visualizing data from device on the web. So we started working on a project called “Pin drop” the noise monitoring solution which can be installed in workplaces, colleges or hospitals.
An easily available sensor around us is a Mic. We used this sensor to pick up sound level in a room. Mic was connected to a Raspberry Pi device which sent data to Azure cloud for every few seconds. Data collected at Azure cloud was then visualized live on PowerBI Dashboard. Using Power Apps screen we were also be able to configure the device remotely.
With my friends/colleagues at Rapid Circle India at Microsoft Pune User Group, I spoke about process of building enterprise application that includes Microsoft Power Platform.
Watch detailed demonstration of building IOT application to get ideas about how MS power platform can be useful for business users to develop and deliver applications in short time. Of course it has interesting Low-Code/No-Code part :-)